Privacy statement is a web site owned and operated by Business Support Solutions (UK) Limited, trading as Business Support Solutions. The copyright owner and content manager of this web site is Business Support Solutions (UK) Limited.

Business Support Solutions is committed to safeguarding your privacy. We value our own privacy, and think it only fair to respect your privacy as well. The following policy statement shows how we treat your personal information.

Business Support Solutions reserves the right to gather information relating to site usage. Any information gathered is primarily for internal use to allow us to refine and improve our service.

We do not rent, lease, sell or exchange your personal information with other companies or organisations.

We do not currently use Business Support Solutions cookies to monitor the browsing behaviour of individual users. However, we do use GoogleAnylytics as a site statistical analysis tool. This means your browsing data will also be available to Google, and this data will be held outwith the UK and EU. Full details fo Google privacy policies can be viewed at

Aggregate data is collected via site wide statistics services. This is used by us to better understand and improve general page usage, time by hourly frequency, and geographical visit frequency by country, search queries, page errors and meta data. This list is not exhaustive but contains typical data origin and data usage This data may contain specific IP addresses, but is not used to identify individual users.

Any information provided to Business Support Solutions by users of this site will be treated in confidence and under no circumstances will we sell, trade or otherwise disclose your details to third parties unless required to do so by law.

In the event of the sale of the company existing accounting and marketing data will be transferred to the new owner.

Where the provision of personal data is required to enable us to provide a specific service to you the details collected will only be used for the stated purpose.

This web site may contain links to other sites not owned or operated by Business Support Solutions. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of these sites. We do not intend links on this web site to be referrals or endorsements of the linked sites; they are provided for convenience only.

By continuing to use this site you are considered as understanding and agreeing to the content of this statement, which takes effect immediately on your first use of the site. Business Support Solutions reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes online.

If you have any enquiries concerning this privacy statement please contact us.